
Web Page - Dj's Bistro

I created this page, but it is not yet uploaded where it should be.

Here is the temporary link: DJ'S BISTRO.net


A Magazine Cover Created for Photoshop Class

A magazine Cover, Photoshop

Collage - Theme: Holocaust

School Project for Photoshop Class

Visualization of a quottaion, Photoshop

Visualization of a quottaion: "I don't allow myself any more self-pity than that. A little each morning, a few tears, and that's all."

Photos restoration and enhancemen

Photos restoration and enhancement.

Collage in Photoshop

Collage (my pictures) of my hometown, Usti nad Labem, the Czech republic

Collage of Tokyo, Kjoto

Slideshow With Music - CLICK

Handwriting Analysis Calendar 2010, Created in InDesign

The Cover of the Calendar 2010

Covert - the back and the insides
Publish Post
The Example of January and Handwriting Analysis of George W. Bush's